strategy Jul 07, 2023

Leaders cannot exist without followers. True leadership consists of nothing unless supported and challenged by followers. Leaders who kneel the lowest to keep in touch with their followers stand the highest.

Master Leaders attune to their divinity, as they love their following humanity.

True leaders act according to a trinity of factors; what they think of others expect of them, what they think of feel god expects of them. Every group of individuals has a prophet in their own tongue. The people you sway are little yous.

Leaders are people who trust their heart and inner knowing more. They are novel, and one or few in number. Followers are people who trust other’s opinions more. They are familiar, and many in number.

True wise leaders do, write and say those wise eternal truths, which do not perish, but stand forever. Pseudo leaders do, write and say those unwise, transient illusions, which do perish.

When leaders do something judged by the many to be ‘’mistaken’’ or ‘’wrong’’, they are severely censure and rarely forgotten. When followers do something by the many to be ‘’mistaken’’ or ‘’wrong’’, they are but passing transient comments.

When leaders do something judged by the many to be ‘’correct’’ or ‘’right’’, they are significancy praised and rarely forgotten. When followers do something judged by many to be ‘’correct’’ or ‘’right’’, they are but passing transient comments.

Praise and reprimand are eternal to a leader and transient to a follower.

Leaders transcend their own fears before that ‘’infect’’ entire groups of followers, for otherwise their fears would constrict their minds. Leaders do not pass uncertainties to their followers. 

‘’If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.’’
John Quincy Adams


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