Is Leadership Innate?

strategy Apr 21, 2023

Yes, some people are born with specific qualities and characteristics that, if nurtured, can lead to them becoming great leaders! Certain qualities and attributes make for great leaders and while some can be taught, others are natural talents that some are simply born with. If, for example, you have two people, one being open, confident and strong and another who is shy, quiet and unconfident, the first person may have more natural characteristics that would make him/her a great leader.

This is not to say that the second person does not have leadership qualities or that they would not become a leader in the future, the first person may just find it easier to fill a leadership role and come by it more naturally! Natural born leaders have talents ingrained into them, ones that need to be nurtured but not necessarily taught, giving them the potential to be great leaders in the future!

What Are the Characteristics of People Who Are Born
Natural born leaders have certain characteristics and traits that help them to achieve their goals and rise in the ranks of power. Being smart, dedicated and highly attentive to the situations and people around them often makes them the obvious choice for leadership roles. The following is a look at just a few of the common characteristics associated with people who are natural born leaders.

They Are Always Eager To Learn
Natural born leaders are always wanting to know more about the system that they live within, be it a system at work, at school or even in the country that they live in! Always eager to learn and experience new things, you likely won't see a leader turning down the opportunity to experience and learn more about the world. Their natural instinct to grow and accomplish helps them to achieve their goals and learn a few new things along the way, making them highly skilled and competitive. The drive to succeed and learn is often what spurs natural born leaders to the top of their industry!

They Have Willpower
Saying no to a natural born leader is often hard as they have the innate willpower and strength to ensure that the point they are trying to make gets across. Being able to think fast on their feet and gain the attention of those around them, their willpower is often regarded well when they are placed in leadership positions.

They Lead a Balanced and Organised Life
Organisation is key for any individual in a leadership position, and those with innate leadership skills are often those who like life to be balanced and organised. Being organised with everything in its desired place ensures that natural born leaders can get the job done without having to give up control. While the need for this sense of control can be a good thing, it is also important for these leaders to know when to ask for help!

What are the Differences Between Learned Leadership and
Born Leadership?
There are two different types of leaders, learned leadership takes time and effort while those who are born leaders are often already equipped with leadership traits and characteristics that will help them to become great leaders! The difference between learned leadership and natural born leadership is often how the individual gets to the end goal. Those who have to learn leadership qualities often have to change how they think and act while born leaders need to nurture the natural leadership characteristics that they already have!

What Are The Other Skills That People With Natural
Leadership Need To Develop?
Being a natural born leader does not assure your success in the world and there are many things that you will still need to learn before you can fill leadership positions. Natural born leaders can often be considered a bit self-absorbed if they are not taught the correct skills to better understand those around them. Empathy is an emotion that natural born leaders often have to nurture as they attempt to better understand and relate to those around them.

Those with innate leadership skills need to remember and learn that not everybody thinks the same way they do and they may have to learn to lean on those around them instead of taking control of every aspect of a business. Often considered to be people with slight control issues, natural born leaders need to learn the skills and  motional signals to understand those around them!


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