The Nevşah Institute, founded by Nevşah Fidan Karamehmet, is a world-leading platform for self-mastery, meditation, and breathwork. Having trained over 40,000 people globally, the institute's mission is to help individuals discover their authentic path and achieve their fullest potential.
With over 25 years of experience in the field of Behavioral Sciences, Nevşah Fidan Karamehmet is recognized worldwide as an authority in transforming dysfunctional thinking habits. She is the Vice President of the Behavioral Health Sciences Institute, the founding CEO of Nevşah Institute, and the founding CEO of the Breath Hub app, used by over one million people, which has trained more than 2,000 breath coaches.
Nevşah has traveled the world working with clients such as HSBC, ING Bank, Pfizer, and Vodafone, as well as renowned celebrities and professional athletes. She has given interviews on numerous radio and TV channels including BBC (UK), CNBC (USA), CNN (USA), and FOX TV (USA), and has been featured in publications such as TIME Magazine, Forbes, Telegraph, and Thrive Magazine.
Next Level Humans are individuals who have transcended collective consciousness and mastered the art of living. These are people who have moved beyond ordinary existence, harnessing their full potential to achieve remarkable growth and fulfillment. They are capable of navigating life with wisdom, balance, and a profound sense of purpose.
The journey to becoming a Next Level Human is one of continuous learning and self-discovery. It requires commitment and openness to change, but the rewards are profound. As you progress, you'll experience a deeper connection with yourself and others, greater fulfillment in your personal and professional life, and the ability to contribute positively to the world around you.
Join us at the Nevşah Institute and embark on the path to becoming a Next Level Human. Unlock your potential, transform your life, and thrive in ways you never imagined possible.
First, I figured out what I wanted to do, but that wasn't enough for me. I didn't just want to do what I desired; I wanted to be the best at it. I told myself, 'I will be number one in this field.' Thanks to this training, my mission and vision became clear.
With 20 years of experience in the corporate world, primarily in the healthcare sector, I knew that giving to people made me happy. This training confirmed it was my life's purpose. After founding my own brand, I wanted to grow it under the guidance of a true leader. This is how I started working with Nevşah, and how everything changed drastically, almost miraculously.
When I came across the Nevşah Institute, everything in my life was falling apart. I felt lost and without direction. However, attending the Values Factor training was like a revelation. It helped me realize my purpose in this world, and suddenly, everything in my life started to fall into place.
Start Your Journey with a Free Transformative Coaching Session from Our Team
24-25 Aralık 2024
Yer: Çeşme, Boyalık Beach OtelSon Katılım Tarihi: 6 Aralık
Bizler her yeni yıla girerken, büyük bir değişim ve dönüşümün hayalini kurarız. Ancak, bunun olabilmesi için, özellikle yeni yıl öncesinde, gereken hazırlıkları yapmayız. Sonra bir yıl daha, aynı döngüler içerisinde geçer ve bu durum bizi umutsuzluğa sürükler.
Sonra karşımıza biri çıkar ve DEĞİŞİM MÜMKÜN! Der. Çünkü değişimin olabilmesini sağlayacak, astrolojik bir hizalanma olmuştur.
Herkesin içine dönebileceği, karanlık taraflarıyla yüzleşebileceği, varlığındaki ve bilincindeki düğümleri çözebileceği bu 24 saat içerisinde, büyük açılımlar mümkün olacak.
24 Aralık
14:00’de otele giriş
15:00-16:00 Snack İkram
16:30-17:00 Nevşah Hoşgeldiniz Konuşması
17:00-17:30 Koçluk seansı ve Yeni Yıl Hedeflerinin Belirlenmesi
17:30-18:30 Nefes Seansı
18:00-18:30 İnisiyasyon çalışması ve Meditasyon
19:30-23:00 Yılbaşı Gala Yemeği ve Müzik (Yılbaşı Kostüm Partili Temalı)
09:00-13:00 MK katılımcılarıyla birlikte Mucize Kursu Başlangıcına misafirlik hakkı
13:00 Öğle yemeği ve otelden çıkış
24.12.24 astrolojik açıdan da bu özel tarihte aşkın paranın gezegeni Güneş’in şeref derecesi 19°’de, dönüşümün gezegeni kova burcunda seyirle başlıyor ve bu da kolektif bilinçaltı için muazzam zamanlar…
Eğer BÜYÜK DEĞİŞİM / BÜYÜK HİZALANMA, kısmetinde, nasibinde ve kaderinde varsa o gün birlikte olacağız…
"Evrende tesadüf diye bir şey yoktur. Her şey tam olması gereken zamanda olur, yaşaması gereken kişiler, yaşanması gereken şeyleri deneyimlerler." - Nevşah
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